Fulfilling my dreams with Jewellery Making

I have always known that I’m sort of a creative person. But when I was younger, there were constraints such as time and money. I was not able to pursue what I like best in terms of arts and crafts. Instead, I had to study and get good grades to survive the working world later. When I became a mother, my time was used to focus fully on my children. I hardly had any time to myself, let alone to cultivate nor pursue my passion in arts and crafts.

But now that my kids have grown and are independent, I can finally have some quality me-time and that’s when I start looking into my passion again. I was searching for things to do that can fulfill my passion for arts and crafts, to feed the creative monster in me that’s been supressed for way too long. I searched for workshops and classes online, but they were very limited in Malaysia. The more popular ones are sewing, knitting, watercolour painting, batik painting, soap making, photography, etc. I have attended a few but there was not much spark. So, I kept searching.

I must thank Google for keeping track of my searches and kept suggesting new activities and workshops to me. Cos one fine day, Elegant Jewellery Studio popped up on one of my feeds and I immediately jumped on the opportunity of signing up as jewellery making workshops sounded interesting.

I signed up for the basic jewellery making workshop and made the necessary arrangements to attend the classes. I was pleasantly surprise at how much thought and care are needed for designing a piece of jewellery. I fell in love with the workshop immediately and signed up for more classes on the spot.

Since then, I have been able to unleash the creative monster in me and enjoyed every step in the process of designing and creating my very own unique jewellery accessories. I am now very proud of the jewellery that I wear because every single one of them are my very own unique creation. Thank you, Elegant Jewellery Studio, for helping me fulfill my dreams in jewellery making!

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